Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the count is up to wait for it.....

8 Miles. I ran another 3 today in 41:28. I also walked a mile. It was great to accomplish it but it felt grueling while I was doing it. I really wasn't feeling it in my lungs. My legs actually weren't what slowed me down. I was just feeling yucky in my breathing. Tomorrow I will aim for 2 miles. I hated going to the gym by myself just a few weeks ago and now I love it. Weird isn't it? I think what I am liking is listening to my music and concentrating on what I am doing instead of trying to chat with someone while trying to breath and not fall of the treadmill. My husband downloaded The Black Eyed Peas album for me last night and then this morning before I went to the gym I figured it out myself and downloaded a bunch of songs I love to workout to. I was sooo proud of myself. If diet and exercise don't work this week I think I might.....well I don't know....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2 miles

As planned I ran 2 miles today. 27 minutes 30 seconds. Not great but okay. I wanted to take it a little easy because I want to go for a run tomorrow as well. I want to try working out everyday this week even if it is just a short workout. Maybe that will help with the fact that I haven't lost a fricken pound in 3 weeks. I need my hubby to load faster music on my MP3 player. I don't believe in learning how to do electronic things. I know how to hit on, play, and go back and go forward. What else would I need to know? I am thinking Black eyed peas newest album Boom Boom Pow would be great running music. I read somewhere that the beats per minute are insane. Everything on my MP3 player is slow. I worked out with Karen tonight which was nice because we haven't worked out at all together lately. The downfall was that I had to wait to go until 6. My knee and ankle are a little sore my knee actually hurt a little on the run but hopefully the ice will help and I will be a okay tomorrow I am thinking 3 miles tomorrow. I am curious how many miles I can get in this week. Sunday was 3 (only counting the running miles not walking ones) and today was 2. I would like to get 12 (realistically) to 15 (hopeful but a little crazy) in so we are at 5 now we will see what the grand total will be by Saturday night. 5 and counting....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Icing on the cake

I have realized that I have been depressed lately. I have been like this for a couple weeks and thought it was from not working out, but I have realized I am lonely and depressed. And to top it off I had to pay at the weigh in. I gained for the first time. 1.2 pounds. ANd there is only 3 weeks to go and it looks like I won't be able to reach my goal. I had wanted to lose 25 pounds in the 12 weeks. But I would have to lose almost 10 more pounds in 3 weeks. I think it is impossible. This is why I always stop dieting. I had 7 weeks of losing and then BAM!!! I gain weight or just stop losing altogether and quit. I am not sure what I can do to get back on track. I have been counting calories and exercised more than I did last week so it really makes me mad. I am fuming at myself. I just wish I could lose the weight and win the challenge. I had such pizaz when this started and now I suck. My husband had a great weigh in (Yeah) he lost 3 pounds. Which was a total of 23 pounds. He has done great I am so proud of him. Me though I suck. I will run a few miles tomorrow though. I am going to aim for a run everyday. Whether it is just a mile for a rest day or a real work out day I will do at least 3 miles. I will no matter what get back on track. And hopefully this will help with my depression. Anyone have a friend I could borrow. Mine seem to have fallen off the face of the earth.....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

3 more miles feeling good

I ran 3 miles today in just over 40 minutes. That is super good for me. I was coughing a lot but it felt so good to accomplish it. I probably won't lose weight tomorrow night because I have PMS and I am sure I am bloated but at least I will go into it knowing that I ran and am getting back on track now that I am feeling better. I think I am going to try tomorrow if I can get someone to watch little one after work but I think I am going to only do 1 or 2 miles so to take it a little easier. Then I want to increase my mileage to 3.5 miles doing a slower but steady pace. I want to increase a little at a time and maybe by running farther I will be able to run a 3 mile race faster in the long run. It is worth a try. My goal is to be under 40 minutes in a 5K. I think the last one I raced in I think I ran 37 minutes. I think. I think I want to run that same race this June and see if I can match or better the time. But as for today, I feel good, really good. I am going to ice my knee just in case though.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

3 miles strong

Okay....So I haven't fallen off the face of the earth just been sick and lazy. Two weeks of no weightloss to speak of and no exercise because I was super sick. I got the midget's cold. I have such a cough. I sound like I am on my death bed. But I got up off my tushy yesterday and ran 3 miles. It actually felt really good. I am doing the day of rest today and my plan is to do it again tomorrow. I thought I was going to cough up a lung after the run for a couple hours but it did feel good. The first mile was tough but then it got better. I just hope the scale goes down this week. We'll see.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weigh in night

Well, I guess bitching and moaning about not seeing the scale budge is the thing to do. I lost 3 pounds this week. WOOOHOOO!!!! I have now lost 16.8 pounds that is 8.65% And they told me I (as of last week) was the biggest loser as of yet. Oh yeah I rock WOOOHOOO. Okay now that I did that. It is all out of my system now. That means I only have about 8 pounds to go for my 12 week goal. I thought 25 pounds was reasonable in 12 weeks for this contest but boy would it be nice to do even better. My husband is down 19.8 pounds in the 6 weeks. He is doing awesome too. I did so good for the super bowl party too. I really wanted a drink last night and I was good knowing we were going to weigh in tonight. Now I am glad I didn't give in. A beer would have been nice though.....yum.....until tomorrow.....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scale isn't budging

I don't get it our scale isn't budging. I worked out 5 days this week. Yesterday I road 6 miles on the bike and worked on my abs (the ones hiding under a lot of flubbery flab). I don't get it though because I worked out really good this week and stayed in the calories and the scale hasn't budged all week. I wish I had someone to talk to that knew something. I went to a nutritionist 2 years ago when I hit a plateau and she didn't have any insight that I hadn't read already in a magazine. We got the email ths morning showing what the lead % lost is as of this week and it was still mine 7.113% lost. Yeah!!! But it also showed that only a couple pounds seperate 10th place and 1st place so I really need to lose good numbers so that I stay in the lead. I really want to win. That would pay for our rental car in FLorida. Not to mention I would look better in my bathing suit in Florida. I don't know, Jason said I should eat more. Maybe I will try that next week and see what happens. I guess we will see tomorrow night what the number is. Wish me luck....

Friday, February 5, 2010

4 days going strong

I ran Tuesday, Wednesday, took Thursday off and then I ran again tonight. I slowly worked up to the 2 miles as per my therapist. My knee did hurt though tonight after about a half mile and my ankle hurt the whole time except about a quarter mile of the run then it didn't hurt. The only problem is how boring it is to work out alone. No pal equals boredom. I really hate working out by myself it is all I can do to stay on the treadmill I really feel like I need someone to talk to or good music to listen to at least. I brought headphones tonight but all that was on the tvs were the news. BORING!!! Tomorrow is supposed to be a day of rest for my knee but my friend can go (at the ass crack of dawn mind you) and I couldn't say no so I am going. I will have to see how my knee feels in the A.M. before I decide what to do. I also promised the other workout buddy that I would go Sunday morning. Well we'll see what this does for my weight loss this week.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back at it

I went to the gym. I ran a mile (just like my physical therapist said to do). It was the fastest I have done as of yet. Yeah!! I only improved by 25 or 30 seconds but hey I'll take it. I then walked a mile. I also came to the conclusion that going to the gym by yourself with sucky music on and crap on the tvs is BORING!!! I really don't know how people do it. I was so bored. Tomorrow morning I am going with Karen and will do an easy mile maybe mile and a half. He did say to increase slowly and rest in between but I think if I do it slow it can count as a restish. Also, I weighed in yesterday and was a little disappointed I only lost 1.4 pounds this last week. That is a total of 13.8. I was hoping to be closer to the 20 pound mark by now. Although that was only with diet no exercise so it was good. And they do say if you lose 1-2 pounds a week it is healthier and you could keep it off easier. I am still on my way to the 25 that I want to lose in the weight loss challenge. I think there is 7 weeks to go and that is 11.2 to go to my goal. YEAH!!! 'Til tomorrow...